Check out our facebook page for pictures and videos from our rehearsals -

We shall present Donizetti's Anna Bolena on the last weekend of March 2025. Performances will be in English. Cast list on our Performances Page.
"Keep up the good work & many thanks for coming to Chudleigh."
"Keep up the good work & many thanks for coming to Chudleigh."
Red Earth Opera have set up a donation channel via You can donate directly to us here. |
Red Earth Opera are part of the South Devon Singers Registered Charity No. 1144469 (SDS)
For more information - see the Contact page
For more information - see the Contact page
We are always looking for sponsors or ways of fundraising for Red Earth Opera. Although we only pay expenses to our soloists for our productions, and we also have venue costs to pay, music to source, and those train fares add up very quickly. If you are interested in sponsoring a performer, or donating even a small amount, please get in touch. We have signed up to the Torbay Good Causes Lottery and to Easy Fundraising, so please follow the links below if you would like to help using either of those options.

Torbay have announced their very own lottery, and we have been approved as a good cause to benefit from this. You do not have to be a resident of Torbay to sign up for the lottery, and if you nominate us as your good cause, then we receive 50% of your stake. The top prize is up to £25,000. Please visit and search for RedEarth.
Opera in Devon, for Devon: Community, not Corporate

Red Earth Opera was formed in 2013, to perform at the Teignmouth Classical Music Festival in March 2014.
The idea came from a meeting of performers looking for opportunities to sing and play opera in Devon and to involve local musicians.
We started from a base of nothing - no funds, just enthusiasm and determination. The performance of Dido and Aeneas was a great success and we were immediately invited back for 2015. We gave two performances of Mozart's Idomeneo in March 2015, and we continue to develop. Our third opera was Gluck's Iphigenia in Tauris at the 2016 Teignmouth Classical Music Festival in Teignmouth and in Chudleigh. We also gave a very successful supper concert at St Michaels Church, Teignmouth on 17th October 2015. Since then, we have presented several more concerts - this time with orchestral accompaniment, a "come and perform" weekend of Cavalleria Rusticana, and more opera performances - Mozart's La Clemenza di Tito, Rossini's Cinderella, and Donizetti's "the Love Potion" (all in English translations by Amanda Holden). As with all performing arts groups, we had challenges during Covid, but did perform an open air Vivaldi Gloria, and several concerts. We returned to complete opera with The Capulets and the Montagues in November 2023 (in an English translation by our Musical director Jane Anderson-Brown). Plans for the future include more complete operas in the spring of 2025 and in 2026.
Our singers and players are drawn from Devon, Somerset and Cornwall (and beyond) and range in age from under 18 up to past retirement. We also offer places in the orchestra and chorus to talented young musicians from Torbay and south Devon.
Our aim is to present affordable opera which is complementary to that offered by the large touring companies or the corporate opera pops, and which is approachable and enjoyable for those who are not already keen on opera. We also want to give performers opportunities at all levels. It is our policy to present our full length operas in English.
Red Earth Opera was formed in 2013, to perform at the Teignmouth Classical Music Festival in March 2014.
The idea came from a meeting of performers looking for opportunities to sing and play opera in Devon and to involve local musicians.
We started from a base of nothing - no funds, just enthusiasm and determination. The performance of Dido and Aeneas was a great success and we were immediately invited back for 2015. We gave two performances of Mozart's Idomeneo in March 2015, and we continue to develop. Our third opera was Gluck's Iphigenia in Tauris at the 2016 Teignmouth Classical Music Festival in Teignmouth and in Chudleigh. We also gave a very successful supper concert at St Michaels Church, Teignmouth on 17th October 2015. Since then, we have presented several more concerts - this time with orchestral accompaniment, a "come and perform" weekend of Cavalleria Rusticana, and more opera performances - Mozart's La Clemenza di Tito, Rossini's Cinderella, and Donizetti's "the Love Potion" (all in English translations by Amanda Holden). As with all performing arts groups, we had challenges during Covid, but did perform an open air Vivaldi Gloria, and several concerts. We returned to complete opera with The Capulets and the Montagues in November 2023 (in an English translation by our Musical director Jane Anderson-Brown). Plans for the future include more complete operas in the spring of 2025 and in 2026.
Our singers and players are drawn from Devon, Somerset and Cornwall (and beyond) and range in age from under 18 up to past retirement. We also offer places in the orchestra and chorus to talented young musicians from Torbay and south Devon.
Our aim is to present affordable opera which is complementary to that offered by the large touring companies or the corporate opera pops, and which is approachable and enjoyable for those who are not already keen on opera. We also want to give performers opportunities at all levels. It is our policy to present our full length operas in English.
Many thanks to David Henshaw for the photograph of Paignton Pier, showing the red sands of the beach here.